In all of my life I have never attend a concert. So when I saw this group, *N’Sync, was going to perform in Portland, Oregon, I said to myself that I would like to go and see it. This concert was supposed to be a substitute for all of the concerts that I would like to go to but cannot, such as: NKOTB (New Kids On The Block)[Jakarta, Indonesia 1992] and BSB (Backstreet Boys)[Rose Garden, Portland, Oregon August 1998] .

Then I called TicketMaster to purchase the ticket. I failed at the first try. About 2 days from the first try, I called again and I was able to purchase the ticket. I was so happy that I forgot one important thing: how can I get there?

I had one month to construct my strategy before the big day. I looked in the Internet, trying to find good transportation timetable that would suit me. I looked in Greyhound, Tri-Met (Portland bus lines) and Anthony’s Limousines (the hub between Corvallis (that’s where I live) to the Portland International Airport). After much consultation, I wrote down the most appropriate timetable for me.

At first, I tried to go scouting. What I meant was going to Portland, using the exact time and route that I would likely take in the Big Day. Unfortunately, I was so busy that I cannot go until the Big Day.

About 2 days from the Big Day, I went and purchased the tickets. I was so nervous. What if I cannot go home? What will happen to me? What will I do in Portland? I had so many doubts that I started to question all my judgements.

When the Big Day arrived, I have prepared myself for it. My Greyhound bus to Portland left at 3:15pm and I finished my last class of the day at 2:50pm. I walked like a crazed person to the depot for about 20 minutes. When I reached the depot, I still have 5 minutes left before the bus actually came. I stretched my legs and relaxed.

On board the bus I became more nervous. I have expected the bus to reach Portland at 6:15pm SHARP, but the bus left Corvallis at 3:25pm and it made lots of stops. Each time it stops, I became more and more scared. All the "what if" questions popped into my head.

My fear came true. The bus reached its Portland Depot at 6:25pm. I was late. I quickly ran to the Tri-Met depot, trying to catch the bus to Rose Garden (the place where *N’Sync held their concert). I almost went on the wrong bus if the driver did not tell me that the bus did not go to Rose Garden. I then waited in the correct depot for 10 minutes before finally I couldn’t take it anymore and left the depot.

At first I decided that maybe I could walk to Rose Garden. I don’t have to depend on busses, I said to myself. I can do it. I am strong and I have been to Rose Garden before. It should be easy to locate it again.

Then I got confused. Which way should I go? Then I saw a taxi. I ran across the road and I asked the driver if he could took me to Rose Garden. Unfortunately, he had some packages to deliver, so he decided to call for another driver to drive me to Rose Garden.

Then there was this weird creepy looking guy who asked me where I would like to go. Judging by his appearance, I felt reluctant to tell him anything, but I said to him that I would like to go to Rose Garden. Then he went into his store and I ran across the road to avoid him. Then he came out and told me an alternate route to go to Rose Garden.

I walked toward the direction he gave and I waited in a Tri-Met bus depot but I did not see anything. Then a bus came and stopped to pick up passengers. At that point, I did not care where I should "put my face". I asked the bus driver whether or not that bus is the correct bus to go to Rose Garden. He said "no", but he said that I should try another bus. From what I learned from looking at the Tri-Met website, I learned that there’s a bus number 4 that go to Rose Garden. Then I walked to the crossroad and I saw a bus number 4. I ran to the bus and asked the bus driver if I had board the correct bus. He said "yes" and when I went on and try to pay, he refused because the meter broke. So I rode that bus for free.

I reached Rose Garden at 6:50pm. When I went into Rose Garden, I saw so many young girls about the age of 9 to 17 came there. Most of them came with their parents. They have adorned themselves with *N’Sync stuff, such as: tattoos, glitters, and such. They were very loud; they screamed and talked to their parents or friends in such way that I cannot hear myself.

Before going into the stadium, I decided to buy a souvenir. I have to wait in line for 10 minutes before the salesperson even took my order. Then I tried to find where I suppose to sit. I went on the wrong floor at first. After realizing my mistake I tried to get on the elevator to get into the correct floor. It was 7:20pm at the time. I tried to get on the elevator as quickly as I can.

When the elevator came, I went on it and get down on the correct floor. Then a new problem came up, "where’s my seat?" I looked left and right, trying to find where I suppose to sit. The opening act had already started at that point. I ran as fast as I could with my heavy backpack as my burden. I think when I finally found the row where I was suppose to sit, it was already 7:39pm. Then I asked the usher where I suppose to sit. I have put away my ticket, so I have to rummage through my full-with-bills-thick wallet to find the ticket.

Believe me, it was not easy, especially in a hot stadium and the show had already started downstage. I panicked. I then ran up to my row and I found out that I was trying to sit in the wrong seats. So I went down again, asking the usher where I suppose to sit. I think the usher just could not take it anymore. He took another girl and me to where we suppose to sit.

Then I caught my breath and tried to enjoy the show. In my opinion, the opening act was wonderful. Cool dance moves and very sexy.

Then the second act came. It was Tatyana Ali performing her latest singles. With her beautiful dance moves and intricate costumes, I found myself clapping and enjoying her act.

There was a family with their 2 daughters sat about 2 seat right of me. The daughters seemed to enjoy the concert although they felt irritated when the other fans cheered very loudly. The parents, however, seemed not enjoying the concert. I think they thought these children who came to the concert were very loud. They screamed a lot. I agree with them because I too felt irritated hearing those fans screaming like there was no tomorrow.

When *N’Sync came out, the screams got louder. I pulled out my earplug as I already anticipated this, but then I saw the mother of the daughters, who sat 2 seats right from me, trying so hard to cover her ear to keep from getting deaf from the VERY loud scream. I gave my earplugs to her so that she can still enjoy the concert and not loosing her hearing.

The opening was beautiful. The boys dressed in certain colors in "nuclear laboratory clothing" type fashion and they used sticks as props. I cannot determine who’s who because I sat in the very top of the stadium and I, unfortunately, does not have good eyesight. They danced very quick and very well rehearsed.

I think in the second act, they portrayed the decades. IN the second act, they portrayed the 60s decade and they sang "that thing you do" from the movie with the same title starring Tom Hanks. I think JC and Chris sang, Justin played the keyboard, and Joey played the drums. I forgot what Lance did, unfortunately. In the third act, they portrayed the 70s and they sang a song from "The Jackson Five." I think the title of the song was "ABC." It was quite difficult determining who’s who, but I think Chris was the lead singer in this segment. They were wearing 70’s fashion with bell-bottoms and funky threads. In the fourth act, they portrayed the eighties. They sang "Kool and The Gang’s" "Celebration." They wore the appropriate 80s fashion, with all the excess clothing and everything. The fifth act portrayed the 90s. They sang one of their songs, "Here we go" and this time they wore 90s style clothing, which I think fit them well.

My favorite segment was when they were singing Christopher Cross’ "Sailing." They were really sailing! They had these cables attached to something on their backs, which allowed them to float in the air. Led by JC, they sailed through the air and into the crowds of fans. At that moment, my heart melted. They were so gorgeous!

They also sang acapella to their latest hit "I drive myself crazy." They had some fans come up and sang with them. Oh, I just wish I were one of those lucky fans. They got to be sitting side by side with their idol.

The couple that I talked about in the previous 2 paragraphs was not very happy. Before the show began, the house manager announced that the fans should sit down and enjoy the concert while SITTING. When the show started, however, some fans stood up and they blocked the parents’ view. The husband then asked the politely to sit down, but the fans sort of ignored him.

When they sang their previous hit "God must have spent (a little more time on you), the screams and shouts got louder, especially in the end when Justin sang, the screams and shouts were about the same noise as big 747 jet planes landing by your ears. Looking at the fans’ reactions, Justin sort of used it to get more screams by pausing and delaying the end of the song.

The "Tearin’ up my heart" dance number was awesome. I got some ideas in how they danced to it, but I actually enjoy watching them strut their stuff like that. It was the best!

It was around 9:40pm when I had the time to look at my watch. I was beginning to question myself. Should I go now and missing the rest of the show or should I stay and miss my ride home? I chose number two and I stayed until 10:10pm when the show really ended.

At 10:15pm I bought the ticket to board the MAX (train-like transit that connects the city horizontally) Since I have never bought tickets to the MAX, I really felt like an idiot. I looked and looked at the map, trying to decide what should I do. Then I got this ticket business thing done at around 10:22pm.

I went onboard the train. From the map, I saw that I should get down at the fourth stop (Hollywood/NE 42nd). Since it was so loud, I couldn’t hear the announcement. So I have to ask a nearby passenger about it. It turned out that she and her 8, maybe 9 years old daughter, had just attended the concert too. Her daughter liked Lance while she liked Joey. She then made a statement to her daughter that older fans seem to like Joey and not the younger members of the group. She even brought a sign that cheered Joey. Her daughter claimed that her mother was too old because she knew and could sing to the "Jackson Five" song. I just smiled at them and when my stop came, I went down and said thank you to them.

To get to my final destination (Corvallis), I have to get on board the bus that went to the airport. When the Tri-Met bus came late, I was already scared. Scared that I cannot go home in a timely fashion.

When the bus arrived at the airport, the driver told me that this was where I should get down. I went down and ran to the shuttle parking. When I saw the Anthony’s Limousine shuttle going to leave, I just yelled for it to stop. There were, I think, 2 shuttle drivers who helped me stopping the Anthony’s. When I went onboard, the shuttle driver told me that he was not going to go anywhere for he still needed to wait for 2 more people.

A few minutes later, he asked for my ticket, I gave it to him, and I settled myself in a corner. I sat and just went to sleep until I reached home. I have to walk about 30 minutes before I finally reached my soft and comfortable bed.

There was one more barrier, though, before I could sleep on my bed. My roommate, who maybe did not fully listen to what I have to say, deadbolt the door. I could not get in. I had to wake her up to open the door for me. I was so tired that I just put my stuff away and went to bed.

In conclusion, I think this concert was awesome. Although the one that I like, Lance, did not spend much time on stage right, JC went to stage right and "wave" to me. Ok, Ok, it’s maybe my hallucination, but our eyes met and he waved his hand to me. (And several hundred girls who were sitting in the same section as I. But who cares, right?) But, I get to hear Lance’s beautiful bass voice in one of the songs; I forgot the title though. Oh, well. If only I have more money, I would likely go to another concerts. But for now, I will cherish this memory. The memory of my first concert.